Showing posts with label Ashley Tisdale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashley Tisdale. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ashley Tisdale Versatile Looks!

Ashley Tisdale
We all know who Ashley Tisdale is don't we!?
In my opinion, the STAR of High School Musical!

Brunette, or blonde, she is always looking fabulous!

But since when was she brunette!?

I loved her blonde hair, as seen on high school musical!

But seriously, I'm also loving this brunette look! So chic and sophisticated. She's had blonde hair for so long, that I think this change of colour is exactly what she needed to change it up!

Ashley has changed her hair colour so many times over the years, that I guess I'm used to this change. I know now that she suites any colour. Personally, I think her light brown/blonde colour is perfect for Summer; but on the other hand, her brunette look is so Winter/Autumn!
Ashley Tisdale

But what makeup does she use??

Foundation: Channel!! She comments, 'It's just so soft, silky and smooth.'

Pencil liner: Channel again!

Liquid liner: M.A.C liquid liner. She comments, 'I use it if I'm going for the more natural look.'
Bronzer: ...Channel (her favourite brand) Ashley loves it because, 'It's very natural and I don't like the orange look at all. I just like to have a little bit of a sunkist look.'

Favourite Lipstick: Channel #67 because, 'It's very glossy and I like peach colours. I'm not a big fan on bright colours, so I switch lipsticks a lot.'

Mascara: Channel or Clinique and she's a big fan of mascara :)

Powder: Giorgio Armani which she uses to set her makeup.

 Why does she love Channel?? 'I love Channel because it has nail polish as well, great lipstick, powder and foundation.'

Where'd her love of Channel come from?? Surprisingly her grandma! Because, 'She'd actually let me go into her draw and USE her makeup!'

Interesting fact on her makeup habits? Add coloured eye liner on her bottom lash line.

 Where'd I get this information?? Check out for even more exlusive interviews on Ashley Tisdale and many other celebrities!

xoxo themakeupqueen